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Terms of Service Rent a Car Sarajevo - KAMEA

Very important short notes

When taking over a Rent a Car vehicle, payment is made for the entire period of use of the vehicle in the previously agreed currency. The Client returns the vehicle in the same condition in which it was taken over, i.e. he should pay attention that the vehicle is cleaned and washed and that the tank of the vehicle is filled. For returning the vehicle, a maximum delay of one hour is acceptable, otherwise the Client is obliged to pay for an additional day of vehicle use. The term day of use means 24 hours. If the Client who returns the vehicle has not washed and cleaned it, he will pay compensation in the amount of 30.00 KM, for the lack of fuel in the tank, the Client will pay compensation according to the existing price list.

The Lessee takes over the vehicle in a technically good condition and returns it in such condition at the time and place defined in the Rental Agreement, unless there has been normal wear and tear of the vehicle parts.

In the event that the Lessee loses any of the documents, keys, registration plates, etc., additional costs will be charged according to the Lessor’s price list.

Obligations of the Lessee regarding Rent a Car vehicles

By signing the contract, the Lessee guarantees and accepts the following obligations:

– the vehicle is authorized to be driven by persons over 21 years of age, who have held a driver’s license for at least 2 years,
– the vehicle is driven exclusively by the person listed as the Lessee, i.e.
– the driver took over the rented vehicle in accordance with the law on road traffic safety,
– that after the termination of the lease, the rented vehicle will be returned to the place and within the period determined by this contract, or earlier, at the request of the Lessor
– that the extension of the agreed duration of the lease, as well as all other changes to the terms of the lease, will be requested from the Lessor, otherwise the Lessor is authorized to report the disappearance of the vehicle,
– that they will immediately stop driving if the vehicle breaks down during the rental period, shows warning sign on the kilometer-per-hour, and that the breakdown will be immediately reported to the Lessor’s office via call or message to the number +387 62 293 526 or email,
– that the Lessee will use the vehicle only for his own needs and that the vehicle will be driven by him or the person named next to him in the Contract as the driver,
– that in the event of the need to use the vehicle outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it will be reported to the lessor in the process of making reservation of the vehicle,
– that they will respect traffic regulations.

The vehicle must not be driven in the following cases:

– under the influence of alcohol, tranquilizers, narcotics, sleeping aids or other drugs,
– for paid transportation of passengers and goods,
– outside the borders of BiH, except with the prior written consent of the lessor,
– for participation in sports competitions, speed trials or races,
– for driving or towing any vehicle or object,
– when the vehicle is not in driving condition or is overloaded with too many passengers (more than there is space in the vehicle) or luggage,
– in violation of legal conditions and regulations related to the use, loading or condition of the vehicle or for any illegal purposes,
– for committing criminal, customs and other offenses as well as other illegal actions,
– for driver training.

The mentioned restrictions are not mutually exclusive. All possible costs/penalties incurred as a result of non-compliance with the mentioned restrictions are charged from the Lessee, regardless of paid insurances. The responsibility of the Lessor is completely excluded.

Extension of the lease

If the Lessee decides to extend the lease, the Lessor should be informed about it at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, it will be considered that the Lessee has illegally appropriated the vehicle, about which the Lessor will inform the competent institutions.

Vehicle maintenance

The Lessee is obliged to use the rented vehicle in such a way as to prevent possible damage caused by carelessness or negligence, and to make sure that the rented vehicle, when leaving it, is always properly locked and with the windows closed, and that the documents of the vehicle are with the Lessee. Vehicle documents must not be left inside the vehicle without the Lessee’s supervision.

The Lessee is obliged to regularly check the engine and oil, as well as the water in the radiator, battery and tire pressure. According to the information on the vehicle’s dashboard, the lessee is obliged to change the engine oil every 10,000 km, exclusively at the Lessor’s service center. The lessee is responsible for all damage caused by inadequate maintenance of the vehicle.

If the vehicle during the rental period reaches the mileage at which regular service is scheduled, the Lessee is obliged to notify the Lessor and bring the vehicle exclusively to the Lessor’s service. The Lessee does not bear the cost of regular service performed outside of the Lessor’s service if he has received written consent to perform the same.


All repairs and/or replacement of vehicle parts may be performed exclusively in the Lessor’s service centers. Otherwise, the Lessee is responsible for all possible damages.

In the event that any part of the vehicle is replaced or lost without authorization, compensation will be charged in the amount of three times the market price of that part.

In case of defects caused by negligence or carelessness of the Lessee, the cost of repair as well as lost profit shall be borne by the Lessee.

If, as a result of a breakdown, the rented vehicle is not in drivable condition, the Lessee is obliged to insure the vehicle against further damage and to notify the Lessor without delay.

The Lessor is not responsible for damage suffered by the Lessee due to a breakdown of the vehicle that occurred during the rental. Apart from the changes specified in this article, the Lessee is not authorized to make any other changes to the vehicle.

Vehicle insurance

All the Lessor’s vehicles are insured against liability for damage caused to third parties.

In no case does the insurance cover:

– any damage caused by intention or negligence,
– theft, if the Lessee does not have the keys and vehicle documentation (especially the driving license),
– any damage or loss of the vehicle that has not been reported to the competent police department, i.e. for which there is no police record,
– tire damage,
– damage to the vehicle’s undercarriage, gearbox and clutch, vehicle interior and windshield caused by the driver’s negligence,
– damage to the engine caused by a lack of oil, filling in the wrong type of fuel or careless use of the vehicle,
– damage caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other supstances,
– damage caused by an unauthorized driver,
– any damage to the vehicle that has not been reported to the competent police department.

In all the mentioned cases, the Lessee will be charged for the amount of the resulting damage up to the amount of the value of the vehicle, as well as for the amount of the lost profit caused by the case in question.

In the event of any damage, traffic accident or theft of the vehicle, the Lessee is obliged to inform the Lessor without delay, and to report the event to the competent police department in order to make a police report.

Passenger insurance

For an additional daily supplement, at the Lessee’s request, according to the current insurance price list, passengers are insured up to the amount of the insurance policy in the event of death or disability as a result of an accident involving the rental vehicle.

The damage

The Lessee is responsible for any loss or damage to the vehicle caused by his intention or negligence or as a result of non-compliance with the Rental agreement, and is obliged to cover all the damage caused in this way as well as the lost profit up to the full value of the vehicle, except in the case that the liability is redeemed with a daily surcharge for certain types of insurance determined according to the current price list of the Lessor’s Insurance Services.

Loss of property

The Lessor is not responsible for damage or loss of the Lessee’s property or the property of other persons, stored or transported in or on the rented vehicle, service vehicle or business premises of the Lessor. By signing the Rental agreement, the Lessee expressly waives any claim for compensation from the Lessor in the event of the aforementioned damage or loss.


The Lessee is not allowed to sublease the rented vehicle, unless he has the exclusive written authorization of the Lessor.

Bill payment

When signing the contract, the Lessee is obliged to leave a security deposit to the Lessor, according to the conditions set by the Lessor, unless it is agreed otherwise.

Vehicles are rented at a daily price in accordance with the valid price list, where one day means a period of 24 hours from the conclusion of the Rental Agreement. Payment is made exclusively in cash if the Lessee is a citizen unless otherwise approved by the Lessor. When signing the rental agreement and taking over the vehicle, payment must be made in cash or pre-authorization of the Lessee’s credit card, if so agreed.

In addition to the cost of the lease, the Lessee is also obliged to cover all other costs that are borne by him in accordance with the General Conditions, and all in accordance with the applicable price list of the Lessor.

By signing the Agreement, the Lessee confirms that he agrees that, by debiting his credit card or in cash, the Lessor shall charge all costs of repairs, defects or loss that are discovered within 24 hours after the vehicle has been returned, and of which the Lessee has not informed the Lessor in accordance with the vehicle return procedure. Also, the Lessor is authorized in the same way to collect the cost of all traffic violations and parking and other fines incurred during the rental period, increased by possible manipulative costs. The Lessor will inform the Lessee of fines, which he is personally obliged to pay.

Inspection and confiscation of the vehicle

The Lessor has the right to inspect any vehicle at any time. If it is established that the Lessee violates any provision of the Rental agreement, the Lessor is authorized to confiscate the vehicle and terminate the Vehicle Rental agreement without delay.

Personal data

Copies of the Lessee’s personal documents must be attached to the Lease Agreement.

The Lessee provides personal data voluntarily, and it will be used only for the needs of the Lessor. The Lessee and visitors to website gives permission for the use of their personal data for the purpose of marketing actions of the Lessor. 

Changes and amendments

Amendments to the Rental agreement are valid only in written form.

Should any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, it does not entail the invalidity or nullity of the Rental agreement or the entire General Terms and Conditions.


With his signature, the Lessee unconditionally accepts the Lessor’s terms and conditions, and guarantees the fulfillment of the minimum age requirements for driving a rent a car, as well as the accuracy of all stated data and accepts the jurisdiction of the Court in Sarajevo in the event of a legal dispute.

The Lessee, by signing the Rental Agreement, confirms that he agrees that the following are liable for the payment of all costs incurred under the Lease Agreement:

– The Lessee
– Driver, in the case that the Lessee refuses to pay in whole or in part the obligation under the Vehicle Rental Agreement
– Additional driver, in the event that the Lessee or the driver refuses to fully or partially pay the obligation under this Vehicle Rental Agreement

Rent a Car Sarajevo – KAMEA

For any additional questions, our team is at your disposal by phone: +387 62 920 960 or over email: